onsdag 3 mars 2010

Chapter 5, finished

Jag ska skriva på engilska, eftersom jag kan best uttrycka mina tankar på engilska..

I dont understand some people.
Some people in my class,
Some people in my school,
Some people in my building,
Some people in the street,
Some people in Kristianstad,
and Some people in the world.

How is it, that some people are just on a completely different level.
I am not saying I am the king off all things MATURE, not even close..BUT, I dont act the same way I did in 7th grade..
So why is it that some people still do?
We are young adults,
we are the new generation,
we have to take over the world.
So why do we deal with drama?
Why dont we think about the good things in life,
and really just love each other...
I hate to say...
but I just hate some people.
hate is a strong word, but no other word makes as much sense to me.
I know I'm being contradicting, however I cant help but say that some people aren't even worth changing..
Change is a strong word, even though it has a soft touch.
Some people SEEM, more mature than they actually are.
Some people want to start a new life! way before they are ready, and all of these things come through, when immature acts are made.
I know ... this is a just a jumble bundle mundle of (hate, some, and alot of contradiction...)
I also know that Im a hypocrit.

So why cant some people let things go..
Why cant some people stop instigating..
why do I bother to write this..

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